[AR] زعلوك الباذنجان / Eggplant Zaalouk (Moroccan Dip) – CookingWithAlia – Episode 689

اليوم نطلق سلسلة جديدة بالتعاون مع المطبخ العربي مع السلطة الأشهر فى المغرب "زعلوك الباذنجان". كما يمكن تحضير هذ السلطة من الكوسة/القرع الأخضر، الجزر أو القرع. الوصفة: https://goo.gl/JfkvhP المقادير: 2 باذنجان 2 طماطم، مقطعة في النصف، ولب مبشور، وبدون جلد 3 ملاعق طعام زيت زيتون 2 فص ثوم، مبشورة 1 ملعقة صغيرة من الفلفل الحار، مطحون 1 ملعقة صغيرة من الفلفل الحلو، مطحون 1 ملعقة صغيرة من الكمون، مطحون 1/2 ملعقة صغيرة من الملح، مطحون 1 ملعقة كبيرة كزبرة مفرومة فرما ناعما 1 ملعقة كبيرة من الخل (أو عصير الليمون) الخطوات: 1- ضع الباذنجان على الموقد على نار متوسطة أوعلى شواية. اشوي الباذنجان لمدة 10 إلى 15 دقيقة مع التقليب من حين لأخر إلى أن يصبح لون الجلد أسود. 2- أزل الباذنجان من النار واتركه ليبرد. 3- في وعاء على نار متوسطة، ضع الطماطم المبشورة، وزيت الزيتون، وفصوص الثوم المبشورة، والفلفل، والفلفل الحلو، والكمون، والملح، والكزبرة. باستخدام ملعقة خشبية، اخلط جميع المكونات وطهي لمدة 5 دقائق. 4- بمجرد أن يبرد الباذنجان ، قم بإزالة الجلد المتفحمة عن طريق كشطه بلطف. قطع رؤوس الباذنجان. 5- قطع الباذنجان إلى مكعبات صغيرة. 6- أضف الباذنجان إلى المقلاة، واخلط، ثم اطهي لمدة 15 دقيقة تقريبًا مع التقليب حتى يثخن الخليط. 7- اضف الخل، واخلط، ثم اطهي لمدة دقيقتين. 8- ضع الزعلوك على أطباق وزين بشرائح الباذنجان المقلي والكزبرة المفرومة. قدميها ساخنة أو باردة مع الخبز المقرمش

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[EN] Eggplant Zaalouk (Moroccan Dip) / زعلوك الباذنجان – CookingWithAlia – Episode 689

Today, we are kicking off a new series called "Dada Series Season 2" with the most popular salad in Morocco “Eggplant Zaalouk”. This roasted eggplant salad can also be prepared with zucchini, carrot or pumpkin. Let me know how you prefer it. RECIPE: https://goo.gl/WFkEJx INGREDIENTS: 2 eggplants 2 tomatoes, cut in half, pulp grated, and skin discarded 3 tablespoons olive oil 2 garlic cloves, grated 1 teaspoon ground chili pepper 1 teaspoon ground paprika 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon finely chopped cilantro 1 tablespoon vinegar (or lemon juice) DIRECTION: 1- Place the eggplants over the stove at medium heat or a grill. Grill the eggplants for 10 to 15 minutes while turning them from time to time until they are charred entirely. 2- Remove the eggplants from the stove and let them cool down. 3- In a pan over medium heat, place the grated tomatoes, olive oil, grated garlic cloves, chili pepper, paprika, cumin, salt, and cilantro. Using a wooden spoon, mix until all the ingredients are combined and cook for 5 minutes. 4- Once the eggplants are a bit cooler, remove the charred skin by scraping it gently. Cut off the eggplant tail. 5- Slice the eggplants into small cubes. 6- Add the eggplants to the pan, mix, and cook for about 15 minutes while stirring regularly until the mixture thickens. 7- Add the vinegar, mix, and cook for 2 minutes. 8- Plate Zaalouk and decorate with fried eggplant slices and finely chopped cilantro. Serve hot or cold with crusty bread!

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My Top 6 Foundations | From Drugstore to Dior

My Foundation Product Haul! Hey my beauties! So ages ago I did a product review video on my Top 6 Foundations and I’ve had so many requests since then to do it again, so here you go! This is my ultimate foundation collection with all of my must-haves! It's important to remember though that foundation is subjective so what suits my skin may not suit yours! Thanks for watching love you guys! xxx Foundations: 1. Huda Beauty: #FauxFilter Foundation https://www.shophudabeauty.com/en_AE/faux-filter 2. Dior: Diorskin Star Fluid Foundation https://eu.feelunique.com/p/DIORSKIN-STAR-Fluid-Foundation 3. Maybelline: Fit Me Dewy & Smooth Foundation https://www.maybelline.com/face-makeup/foundation-makeup/fit-me-dewy-smooth-foundation 4. Koh Gen Do: Aqua Foundation: https://kohgendocosmetics.com/products/aqua-foundation?variant=7786189684796 5. Estee Lauder: Double Wear: https://www.esteelauder.com/product/631/22830/product-catalog/makeup/double-wear/stay-in-place-makeup 6. Tarte Cosmetics: Clay Stick Foundation: https://tartecosmetics.com/en_AE/makeup/face/foundation/clay-stick-foundation/1064.html MORE VIDEOS: MY FAVORITE NEW NUDE LOOK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIZF_vu6CT8&t=9s COLLAB WITH LEA ELUI: https://youtu.be/JTqQTY_KW4E LET"S BECOME FAMILY! Snapchat: HudaBeauty صفحة سناب شات Blog: http://hudabeauty.com المدوّنة الالكترونيّة http://instagram.com/hudabeauty صفحة الانستقرام http://facebook.com/hudabeauty صفحة الفايسبوك

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[FR] Tartelettes Chocolat / Chocolate Tart – Cooking With Alia – 676

Que diriez-vous d'une autre recette pour utiliser la même pâte de sablée réalisée en collaboration avec Recueil Gourmand? Cette fois, nous avons ajouté du cacao à la pâte et avons préparé une crème au chocolat pour la garniture! Lien de recette: https://www.cookingwithalia.com/fr/676-tartelettes-chocolat-chocolate-tart/ Ingredients 1 pâte sablée cacao Amandes effilées, torréfiées Crémeux au chocolat: 150 grammes chocolat noir 70% 125 grammes lait 175 grammes crème liquide entière 3 jaunes d’œufs 30 grammes de sucre semoule Directions Etape 1: Crémeux chocolat 1- Hachez le chocolat grossièrement et placez-le dans un bol. 2- Dans une grande casserole sur feu moyen, versez la crème et le lait et portez-les à ébullition. 3- Dans bol, placez les jaunes d’œufs et le sucre et mélangez à l’aide d’une spatule. 4- Ajoutez la crème et le lait chaud sur le mélange jaunes d’oeufs tout en mélangeant pour éviter que les œufs ne coagulent. 5- Remettez le tout dans la casserole, puis cuisez la crème à feu doux en remuant constamment, jusqu’à obtenir une cuisson à la nappe (température entre 82-84°C), la crème sera légèrement épaisse. 6- Versez la crème sur le chocolat, réservez 1 minute. A l’aide d’une maryse, mélangez jusqu’à ce que vous ayez un crémeux lisse et sans grumeaux. 7- Recouvrez de film alimentaire. Placez au réfrigérateur pour au moins 6 heures (ou toute une nuit). Etape 2: Pâte sablée 8- Préchauffez votre four à 180°C. A l’aide d’un rouleau à pâtisserie, étalez la pâte, puis en utilisant un emporte pièce de 8 cm de diamètre découpez des disques de pâte. 9- Placez sur une plaque recouverte de papier sulfurisé puis enfournez pour environ 12 minutes. A la sortie du four, laissez refroidir avant d’utiliser. Etape 3: Montage 10- Placez le crémeux dans une poche à douille munie d’une douille unie. 11- Sur les disques de sablé, pochez des piques de crémeux puis parsemez d’amandes effilées. 12- Placez au frais 30 minutes avant de servir.

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Arabic VS American Makeup

Arabic Makeup VS Western Makeup Tutorial Hey lovers! So I really wanted to do a tutorial comparing Arabic makeup to Western makeup, I saw Christine Dominique do a super cute makeup tutorial comparing Italian makeup to American makeup and loved it! I love both makeup styles so much and I kinda mix them together for my everyday signature makeup look! I hope you enjoy the video and let me know if there are any other makeup styles and tutorials you want me to try out! Thanks for watching, love you all so much! xxx MORE VIDEOS: MY FAVORITE NEW NUDE LOOK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIZF_vu6CT8&t=9s COLLAB WITH LEA ELUI: https://youtu.be/JTqQTY_KW4E LET"S BECOME FAMILY! Snapchat: HudaBeauty صفحة سناب شات Blog: http://hudabeauty.com المدوّنة الالكترونيّة http://instagram.com/hudabeauty صفحة الانستقرام http://facebook.com/hudabeauty صفحة الفايسبوك PRODUCTS USED IN THIS VIDEO: Arabic Makeup Look: Benefit: Precisely My Brow, Shade 3.5 https://www.benefitcosmetics.com/ae/en-gb/product/precisely-my-brow Huda Beauty: #FauxFilter Foundation, Shade Toffee https://www.shophudabeauty.com/en_AE/faux-filter Huda Beauty: Overachiever Concealer, Shade Toasted Almond (COMING SOON) Huda Beauty: Overachiever Concealer, Shade Hazelnut (COMING SOON) Huda Beauty: Easy Bake, Shade Banana Bread https://www.shophudabeauty.com/en_AE/easy-bake MAC Studio Fix NC 44.5 https://www.maccosmetics.ae/product/13849/251/products/makeup/face/powder/studio-fix-powder-plus-foundation#/shade/NC41 Huda Beauty: Golden Sands 3D Highlighter Palette https://www.shophudabeauty.com/en_AE/3d-highlighter-palette-golden-sands.html Morphe: Blush Trio Shade Coral https://www.morphebrushes.com/collections/blushes/products/blushing-babes-pop-of-coral Huda Beauty: Rose Gold Remastered Shades Demure, Henna, Trust Fund, Black Truffle https://www.shophudabeauty.com/en_AE/rose-gold-palette-remastered.html Stila: All Day Waterproof Liquid Liner https://www.cultbeauty.co.uk/stila-cosmetics-stay-all-day-liquid-waterproof-eye-liner-black.html Benefit: BADGal BANG Mascara https://www.benefitcosmetics.com/us/en/product/badgal-bang-volumizing-mascara Huda Beauty: Scarlett Lashes https://www.shophudabeauty.com/en_AE/classic-lash-scarlett-8.html?cgid=lashes#start=1 Huda Beauty: Lip Contour, Shade Trendsetter https://www.shophudabeauty.com/en_AE/lip-contour.html?dwvar_lip-contour_color=trendsetter-lc&cgid=lip-contours#start=1 Huda Beauty: Liquid Matte Shade, Venus https://www.shophudabeauty.com/en_AE/liquid-matte.html?dwvar_liquid-matte_color=venus-lm&cgid=liquid-mattes#start=1 Huda Beauty: Lip Strobe Shade, Ritzy https://www.shophudabeauty.com/en_AE/lip-strobe.html?dwvar_lip-strobe_color=ritzy&cgid=lip-strobes#start=1 Western Makeup Look: Benefit: Precisely My Brow, Shade 3.5 https://www.benefitcosmetics.com/ae/en-gb/product/precisely-my-brow Huda Beauty: #FauxFilter Foundation, Shade Toffee https://www.shophudabeauty.com/en_AE/faux-filter Huda Beauty: Easy Bake Shade, Banana Bread https://www.shophudabeauty.com/en_AE/easy-bake Iconic: Illuminator, Shade Original https://www.iconiclondoninc.com/products/limited-edition-illuminator?variant=28257731081 Huda Beauty: Overachiever Concealer, Shade Toasted Almond (COMING SOON) MAC Studio Fix NC 44.5 https://www.maccosmetics.ae/product/13849/251/products/makeup/face/powder/studio-fix-powder-plus-foundation#/shade/NC41 Huda Beauty: Golden Sands 3D Highlighter Palette https://www.shophudabeauty.com/en_AE/3d-highlighter-palette-golden-sands.html Huda Beauty: Rose Gold Remastered Shades Bubbly, Pink Diamond, 24K, Black Truffle https://www.shophudabeauty.com/en_AE/rose-gold-palette-remastered.html Benefit: BADGal BANG Mascara https://www.benefitcosmetics.com/us/en/product/badgal-bang-volumizing-mascara Huda Beauty: Noelle Lashes https://www.shophudabeauty.com/en_AE/faux-mink-lash-noelle-14.html?cgid=lashes#start=1 Huda Beauty: Liquid Matte Shade, Venus https://www.shophudabeauty.com/en_AE/liquid-matte.html?dwvar_liquid-matte_color=venus-lm&cgid=liquid-mattes#start=1 Huda Beauty: Lip Strobe Shade, Ritzy https://www.shophudabeauty.com/en_AE/lip-strobe.html?dwvar_lip-strobe_color=ritzy&cgid=lip-strobes#start=1 We share beauty secrets, tips and inspirations daily! لا تنسي زيارة هذه المواقع حيث أشاركك حيل وأسرار تجميليّة Don't forget to visit: Snapchat: RealHudaBeauty صفحة سناب شات Blog: http://hudabeauty.com المدوّنة الالكترونيّة http://instagram.com/hudabeauty صفحة الانستقرام http://facebook.com/hudabeauty صفحة الفايسبوك

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Makeup Masterclass | The Ultimate Wedding Glam

Hi my beauties! Most of you might not know this but when I was working as a makeup artist I specialized in Bridal Makeup! I loved doing it and I always wanted to make sure that the looks I created on my brides enhanced their natural beauty! Soooo here's a makeup tutorial with all my tips and tricks, it's a universal wedding makeup look that can really look super stunning on any bride! Let me know what makeup tutorial you guys want to see next! Thanks for watching, love you guys so much!! xxxx Products: Prep: Ziip Beauty: https://www.cultbeauty.co.uk/ziip-beauty-nano-current-skincare-device.html Or NuFace: https://www.mynuface.com/products/trinity?variant=1138963228 Tinkle - Face Razor: https://www.tinkleyourface.com/ La Mer - Lip Balm: https://www.sephora.com/product/the-lip-balm-P417242 Skinceuticals - Skin Firming Cream: https://www.skinceuticals.com/skin-firming-cream-635494111002.html Face: Huda Beauty - Complexion Perfection Pre-Makeup Base: https://www.shophudabeauty.com/en_AE/complexion-perfection-pre-makeup-base.html Huda Beauty - Matte Perfection Pre-Makeup Base: https://www.shophudabeauty.com/en_AE/matte-perfection-pre-makeup-base Huda Beauty - #FauxFilter Foundation in Toffee: https://www.shophudabeauty.com/en_AE/faux-filter-foundation.html?dwvar_faux-filter-foundation_color=toffee&cgid=faux-filter#start=1 Charlotte Tilbury - Hollywood Flawless Filter Shade 6: http://www.charlottetilbury.com/uk/products/makeup/face/complexion-booster.html MAC- Studio Fix Powder Plus Foundation in NC 44.5: https://www.maccosmetics.ae/products/13849/Products/Makeup/Face/Powder Dior Backstage - Contour Palette in 001: https://www.dior.com/beauty/en_us/fragrance-beauty/makeup/dior-backstage/complexion/pr-complexionpros-y0014000-contour-face-palette-contour-highlight.html OR NYX Professional Makeup - Highlight & Contour Pro Palette: https://www.cultbeauty.co.uk/nyx-professional-makeup-highlight-contour-pro-palette.html Huda Beauty - Golden Sands 3D Highlighter Palette: https://www.shophudabeauty.com/en_AE/home Farsali - Jelly Beam Highlighter: https://www.cultbeauty.co.uk/farsali-jelly-beam.html Huda Beauty Overachiever Concealer - Toasted Almond COMING SOON Huda Beauty - Easy Bake in Banana Bread - https://www.shophudabeauty.com/en_AE/easy-bake-loose-powder.html?dwvar_easy-bake-loose-powder_color=banana-bread&cgid=easy-bake#start=1 Morphe Blush Trio: https://www.cultbeauty.co.uk/morphe-blushing-babes.html?variant_id=17214 Eyes: Huda Beauty - Rose Gold Remastered Palette (Shades Sandalwood, 24K & Black Truffle) - https://www.shophudabeauty.com/en_AE/rose-gold-palette-remastered.html Morphe Blending Brush in G24: https://www.morphebrushes.com/collections/blending-brushes Stila - All Day Waterproof Liquid Eye Liner in Intense Black: https://www.cultbeauty.co.uk/stila-cosmetics-stay-all-day-liquid-waterproof-eye-liner-black.html?variant_id=3975 Muji - Q-Tips: https://www.muji.us/store/thin-cotton-swabs.html Dior - Show Maximizer 3D Lash Primer: https://www.sephora.ae/en/diorshow-maximizer-3d?gclid=CjwKCAjwio3dBRAqEiwAHWsNVaC6wC9ArYaz3qf1uq_xwJApAPL46xF3qfUU5I87CJxb-f4j2qrsBxoC5WUQAvD_BwE&dclid=CPPChqOMyd0CFUsUGwodWoMDZw Marc Jacobs - Velvet Noir Major Volume Mascara: https://www.marcjacobsbeauty.com/velvet-noir/major-volume-mascara/MJ20013.html Huda Beauty - Samantha Lashes: https://www.shophudabeauty.com/en_AE/classic-lash-samantha-7.html Huda Beauty - Lash Glue Dark Tone: https://www.shophudabeauty.com/en_AE/classic-lash-samantha-7.html Lips: Huda Beauty - Lip Contour Venus or Muse or Trensetter: https://www.shophudabeauty.com/en_AE/lip-contours Huda Beauty - Liquid Matte Venus or Muse or Trendsetter: https://www.shophudabeauty.com/en_AE/liquid-mattes Brows: Benefit - Precisely My Brow in 3.5: https://www.benefitcosmetics.com/ae/en-gb/product/precisely-my-brow Brow Brush: https://www.itcosmetics.com/heavenly-luxe-build-a-brow-brush-12/ITC_529.html We share beauty secrets, tips and inspirations daily! لا تنسي زيارة هذه المواقع حيث أشاركك حيل وأسرار تجميليّة Don't forget to visit: Snapchat: RealHudaBeauty صفحة سناب شات Blog: http://hudabeauty.com المدوّنة الالكترونيّة http://instagram.com/hudabeauty صفحة الانستقرام http://facebook.com/hudabeauty صفحة الفايسبوك

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Testing Weird Beauty Hacks with Mona! 😂

Debunking DIY Beauty Hacks With Mona! Hi my loves! This was SOOOO much fun to shoot! Mona and I decided to debunk some of the coolest beauty hacks we've seen on the internet! You guys will be surprised to see which DIY beauty hacks really worked. Let me know if you guys have any hacks we should try next! Love you guys and thank you so much for watching, and thank you to Monie for being such a good sport! Xx Follow Mona on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/monakattan/ MORE VIDEOS: MY FAVORITE NEW NUDE LOOK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIZF_... COLLAB WITH LEA ELUI: https://youtu.be/JTqQTY_KW4E LET"S BECOME FAMILY! Snapchat: HudaBeauty صفحة سناب شات Blog: http://hudabeauty.com المدوّنة الالكترونيّة http://instagram.com/hudabeauty صفحة الانستقرام http://facebook.com/hudabeauty صفحة الفايسبوك

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