Hey beautiful people! I am so excited to share this palette with you. When I started my journey in the beauty industry, I never knew it would take me this deep into understanding who I really am. The truth is, we all are born powerful, but we allow people to tell us who we are & how far we can go. Whether we listen to it or not, it’s hard not to let it chip away at us & sometimes, we allow ourselves to be defined by others & that limits us. I want you to free yourself of any limiting beliefs that you have & to know that you’re capable of the unimaginable, and that you can become everything you have ever dreamed. You guys know our big palettes have been a form of self-expression for me & our EM(POWER)ED collection is an exploration of self-love & acceptance. It’s about allowing yourself to embrace every aspect of who you are & unlocking that superpower, that potential, that magic that is in every single one of us. The new EM(POWER)ED Collection is here to remind you just how powerful you truly are!     I am so excited for you all to OWN your own power 💖 #EMPOWERED✨ #LaunchingOctober3 WORLDWIDE!! LET’S BECOME FAMILY! SNAP: HudaBeauty صفحة سناب شات BLOG: المدوّنة الالكترونيّة INSTA: صفحة الانستقرام FB: صفحة الفايسبوك TWITTER: صفحة التويتر

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