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Howto & Style

[EN] Pineapple Shaped Cookies / حلوة الصابلي على شكل أناناس – CookingWithAlia o Episode 730

These cute pineapple shaped cookies will be a hit these Eid! They are very easy to make, you only need around 20 minutes to bake and decorate them. Try them and don't forget to share some pictures with us ;) RECIPE: http://bit.ly/2wyvmob INGREDIENTS: Sable dough 50 grams dark chocolate 1/2 teaspoon vegetable oil DIRECTIONS: 1- Dust your rolling pin with flour and roll the sable dough to a 25 x 30 cm rectangle. 2- Using a pineapple cookie cutter, that you first put into some flour, cut the cookies and place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. 3- Place the cookies in a preheated oven to 180°C (360F), and bake them for around 10 minutes or until they get a light golden color, then place aside and let cool completely. 4- Melt the chocolate in a bain marie, along with a little bit of vegetable oil. 5- Once the chocolate has melted, dip the tip of the cookies in the chocolate. 6- Place the cookies on parchment paper until the chocolate is set. 7- Serve right away.

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[EN] Square Chocolate Cookies / كوكيز مربعة بالشوكولاتة – CookingWithAlia – Episode 728

Let's prepare a new style of cookies. RECIPE: https://www.cookingwithalia.com/728-square-chocolate-cookies/ INGREDIENTS: 1 batch of Sable dough 100 grams dark chocolate 1 teaspoon vegetable oil DIRECTIONS: "1- Dust your rolling pin with flour and roll the sable dough to a 25 x 30 cm rectangle. 2- Using a square cookie cutter, that you first put into some flour, cut the cookies and place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. 3- Place the cookies in a preheated oven to 180°C (360F), and bake them for around 10 minutes or until they get a light golden color, then place aside and let cool completely. 4- Melt the chocolate in a bain marie, along with a little bit of vegetable oil. 5- Once the chocolate has melted, place it in square molds and let it cool down completely in the fridge. 6- Once cooled, unmold the chocolate pieces. 7- Pour a little bit of melted chocolate in the center of the cookies and place the chocolate squares on top. 8- Serve right away.

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Welcome to My Office! | جولة في مكتبي

Check out my office tour. I'm giving you a look of my home away from home! I always hope to share the best tips on all things beauty, business, fashion and life. Love you guys xx. PREVIOUS VID: https://youtu.be/Gm5tooVEJr4 RELATED VID: https://youtu.be/ZxnfLeOiAFg LET’S BECOME FAMILY! SNAP: HudaBeauty صفحة سناب شات BLOG: http://hudabeauty.com المدوّنة الالكترونيّة INSTA: http://instagram.com/hudabeauty صفحة الانستقرام FB: http://facebook.com/hudabeauty صفحة الفايسبوك TWITTER: https://twitter.com/hudabeauty صفحة التويتر

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[FR] Confiture de Dattes / Date Jam – CookingWithAlia – Episode 720

Alia vous introduit à votre nouvelle pâte à tartiner préférée! C'est une pâte à tartiner à base des dattes et pleine de saveurs marocaines! Une recette facile est à ne surtout pas rater! RECIPE: https://www.cookingwithalia.com/fr/720-confiture-de-dattes-date-jam/ INGREDIENTS: 250 grammes dattes Medjoul 120 ml jus d'orange 1 cuillère à soupe miel 1 cuillère à café cannelle en poudre Une pincée de clou de girofle en poudre 1 cuillère à café eau de fleur d'oranger DIRECTIONS: 1- Dénoyautez les dattes puis coupez-les en petits cubes 2- Dans une casserole, à feu moyen-vif, ajoutez les dattes, le jus d'orange, la cannelle, le clou de girofle en poudre et le miel 3- Porter à ébullition. Réduire le feu à moyen-doux et cuisez en écrasant les dattes avec une cuillère en bois jusqu'à ce que les dattes absorbent le liquide et que le mélange soit lisse 4- Une fois le mélange cuit, retirez du feu, ajoutez l'eau de fleur d'oranger et mélangez 5- Placez la confiture de datte dans un pot en verre et laissez refroidir 6- Réservez la confiture dans le réfrigérateur pour un maximum d'un mois

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My struggle with self-love | صراعي مع حب الذات

I didn’t think I would post this video but I know it’s important for me to share. After I did the ET shoot in April, I shot this video bc it really got me thinking about how we all go through the same things and feel the same things. I hope that if I share my struggles it will give others strength, to know they’re not alone in feeling this way. I love you guys so much xx RELATED VID: https://youtu.be/7EBY8eKTZ6E LET’S BECOME FAMILY! SNAP: HudaBeauty صفحة سناب شات BLOG: http://hudabeauty.com المدوّنة الالكترونيّة INSTA: http://instagram.com/hudabeauty صفحة الانستقرام FB: http://facebook.com/hudabeauty صفحة الفايسبوك TWITTER: https://twitter.com/hudabeauty صفحة التويتر

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